In-person camp is back this summer at the Posnack JCC! Performing at Inside Out is always a favorite for Weston families, and this year is no different! Inside Out Theatre has three sessions this year. The first session, for grades 3-8 will be held June 14th – July 9th and feature the musical “Matilda, Jr.” The second session, for grades 4-9, will perform “Peter Pan, Jr.” and will take place from July 11th – August 6th. Continue Reading

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is no wonder that our readers so respect the local branch of the American Youth Soccer Organization. Over the past twenty years, the club has grown from just 300 youth players to approximately 3,750 payers today. Continue Reading

Dr. Susan Fox, of Fox Vein and Laser Experts, is board certified in Internal Medicine and Vascular Medicine. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of venous disease, including varicose veins, leg pain, swelling, ulcer care, venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and clotting disorders.Continue Reading

Cleveland Clinic is there when we need it. Whether you need emergency care, everyday care or life-changing surgery, the world-class hospital is a short drive from anywhere in the city. Continue Reading

Susan Malinski was voted Best Fitness Trainer, but she is so much more than that. Susan helps her clients as a nutrition & health coach as well as guiding them with training. She is ALL ABOUT living a healthy lifestyle. Continue Reading

5 Element Wellness Center offers a serene and peaceful environment for people to explore and experience the opportunity for growth in body, mind, and spirit – through various alternative therapies and innovative approaches. Their services are performed in a friendly, caring and professional manner to bring about optimal health and healing. Treatments focus on the patient as a whole, not just a disease or symptom.Continue Reading

Insalata di Polpo alla Gallurese (1)

Zona Blu is a taste above your traditional Italian restaurant. It specializes in cuisine native to the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, designated by National Geographic as one of the world’s five Blue Zones, where people often live to be more than 100 years old. That longevity is attributed to the region’s food/wine, lifestyle, family values and social activity. At Zona Blu, diners can get a true taste of Sardinia’s cuisine and culture.Continue Reading

woman looking at herself before and after significant weight loss

If you have struggled with weight loss, help is available right here in your hometown. Weston Medical Health & Wellness is a holistic clinic focused on obesity medicine. Medical Director Andrea Bretal, MD, brings more than 20 years of experience as a board-certified physician in internal medicine along with a passion for weight loss to the clinic. Continue Reading

Woman on beach with great body

Dr. Eberle is a Double Board-Certified Plastic and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon committed to delivering first-class services.  He is one of a handful of surgeons in Florida whom has this type of specialized training. Continue Reading